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Vitessce can be used as a web app, or as a package in JavaScript, Python, or R.

Web application

Vitessce can be used as a standalone web application on the App page of this website, where you will find an online text editor for configing Vitessce with JSON or JavaScript syntax.

Embedded component

Vitessce can be used as a React component embedded in another web application. For example, the HuBMAP Data Portal currently embeds Vitessce for visualization of HuBMAP datasets. Visit our JavaScript API documentation or GitHub Pages Deployment tutorial to learn more about using the Vitessce JavaScript library and React component.

Python Jupyter widget

We have developed the vitessce Python package for using Vitessce in Python environments. The package contains a Python object-oriented API for creating Vitessce configurations (which can be exported to a JSON format). Vitessce can be used as an ipywidget in Jupyter Notebook and JupyterLab, including in the cloud on Binder and Google Colab.

The Python package also contains helpers which facilitate visualizing data stored in common Python single-cell formats with Vitessce.

R htmlwidget

We have developed the vitessce R package for using Vitessce in R environments, including RStudio and Shiny apps. The package contains an R object-oriented API for creating Vitessce configurations (which can be exported to a JSON format).

The R package also contains helpers which facilitate visualizing data stored in common R single-cell formats with Vitessce.