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Upgrade Guide

This guide describes how to upgrade from one major version of the vitessce JavaScript package to the next.

v2 to v3

Global plugin registration

In v2, we provided a global plugin registration API (registerPluginViewType, registerPluginFileType, etc). This registration mechanism had several drawbacks:

  • It used window which complicates usage of Vitessce in server-side rendering situations (e.g., NextJS) where window is not available.
  • It prevented usage of multiple <Vitessce/> components on the same page with different plugins registered for each component.

If you still need this type of global plugin registration functionality, it can be implemented in userland:

import React from 'react';
import {
PluginFileType, PluginViewType, PluginCoordinationType, PluginJointFileType,
} from 'vitessce';

const PLUGINS = {
viewTypes: [], coordinationTypes: [], fileTypes: [], jointFileTypes: [],

* @param {PluginViewType} pluginObj
export function registerPluginViewType(pluginObj) {

* @param {PluginCoordinationType} pluginObj
export function registerPluginCoordinationType(pluginObj) {

* @param {PluginFileType} pluginObj
export function registerPluginFileType(pluginObj) {

* @param {PluginJointFileType} pluginObj
export function registerPluginJointFileType(pluginObj) {

// React component which wraps <Vitessce/>
// to provide the globally-registered plugins via props.
export function VitessceWithGlobalPlugins(props) {
return (

Fully-resolved JS imports

If you were previously importing from the package using a full JS filepath, it may need to be updated.

import React from 'react';
- import { Vitessce } from 'vitessce/dist/index.min.mjs';
+ import { Vitessce } from 'vitessce/dist/index.min.js';

For background, we corrected the previous lack of "type": "module" in the published package.json, meaning that Vite then uses the .js extension rather than .mjs for the ESM bundle.

v1 to v2

Breaking changes involve the contents of the dist directory that is published to NPM.

CSS imports

The explicit CSS import needs to be removed. This import will fail in v2.

import React from 'react';
import { Vitessce } from 'vitessce';
import 'vitessce/dist/es/production/static/css/index.css';

Fully-resolved JS imports

If you were previously importing from the package using a full JS filepath, it may need to be updated.

import React from 'react';
import { Vitessce } from 'vitessce/dist/something.js';

View the contents of the dist/ directory in local node_modules or browse on Unpkg:

Deprecation of certain constant keys

The keys for certain constants within ViewType, DataType, and CoordinationType were deprecated. (The top-level variables ViewType, DataType, and CoordinationType were not deprecated.) See the blog post for the motivation behind this change.

In v2, the old constants are still exported for backwards compatibility, as they remain useful when defining view configs corresponding to previous schema versions. However, instead of implementing them using plain JS objects, deprecated constants are exposed via proxies which log deprecation warnings in the console when accessed.

For example, accessing CoordinationType.CELL_COLOR_ENCODING logs a warning that it is deprecated in favor of CoordinationType.OBS_COLOR_ENCODING.

VitessceConfig constructor calls

The constructor in v2 takes named arguments via an object. If you have existing code that calls the constructor and would like to keep the previous behavior: "1.0.7" was the schema version that was previously hard-coded internally.

- const vc = new VitessceConfig("My config");
+ const vc = new VitessceConfig({ schemaVersion: "1.0.7", name: "My config" });

VitessceConfigDataset addFile calls

The addFile method now accepts named arguments via an object. Data type is no longer a required argument. A new named coordinationValues argument can be passed.

- dataset.addFile('', dt.CELLS, ft.CELLS_JSON);
+ dataset.addFile({ url: '', fileType: ft.CELLS_JSON });

Label override props

Previously, overrides for cell and gene terminology could be configured via props:

layout: [
component: 'heatmap',
props: {
observationsLabelOverride: 'spot',
variablesLabelOverride: 'antigen',

Now, the coordination types obsType and featureType must be used for this purpose instead.

Previously-documented file types

While still supported by Vitessce, the following file types have been removed from the documentation, as we do not encourage their use in new code:

  • cells.json
  • molecules.json
  • anndata-cells.zarr
  • anndata-expression-matrix.zarr
  • anndata-cell-sets.zarr
  • genes.json
  • clusters.json

If you are still using these file types in your configurations, please look back to an older version of the documentation.